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Selin (Hua) He M.D. M.Phil.

Hua He received her medical training in Xiangya Medical School, Central South University (China) and then completed her M.phil thesis research in gastric and colonic cancer at the University of Hong Kong. Afterwards, she joined the Editorial Office of the Chinese Journal of Cancer (CJC, Chinese name: Ai Zheng) and worked as a Managing Editor for 3 years; the CJC is a distinguished medical journal launched in 1982 (http://www.cjcsysu.cn/default.asp) and is currently indexed by PubMed, SCI and other international databases. During her time at CJC, she visited Landes Bioscience (LB) in Austin, Texas, USA (http://www.landesbioscience.com) to learn administration and production processes of journals published in Western countries. She published 10 English papers in peer-reviewed international biomedical research and science editing journals.